Happy Halloween! Our little girls are sick, so we're staying home today. We've been trying on costumes all month, but haven't gone anywhere. :) Eliza doesn't eat candy anyway. Yesterday when we came home from the park the ladies at the front desk shared their Halloween donuts with Eliza. That made her Halloween!! In her prayer at lunch she was grateful for dessert AND for chocolate (donuts).

Here are some Halloween pages! "Miss Mona Can Moooo Can You?" ;)

Here are a few from Halloweens past! My brother Dave in 1983, really enjoying his candy. Mom wrote on the back of many of our photos. The quote in the bubble was written by Mom.

I LOVED that my mom made the most wonderful costumes in the world for us. As I think about how much I loved them, I get ambitious to make them for Eliza and Mona. Then I find costumes on clearance and decide not to. Maybe when I get better at sewing it won't be so much more "expensive" to make them!
Here we are, the Halloween of 1988. I was Cinderella, Dave was an executioner, Sara was a ballerina, and Teri was making her famous "scary witch" face. Sweet memories...

This is for Dave and Sara, It's not exactly a Halloween page, but I dressed them up, so I thought I'd add it into this post. I love this photo where they're "Just Clowning Around."